Nursery Ministry


Mission Statement

The goal is to demonstrate God’s love by providing a Christ-centered environment that both
Children and parents feel safe, secure, and nurtured.

Contact Information

Patricia Harder
Phone: 608-293-2044

More Information

  • Matthew Ministry is childcare to children of parents as they attend worship service or Sunday School.
  • Ministry serves parents of children ages birth to under 5 years old.
  • Ministry Vision: HOPE: A safe, loving environment creates an environment creates an environment that is welcoming to visitors. GROWTH: Nursery provides care to those who may not otherwise attend a church to grow.
  • Ministry Mission: Nursery is available so parents who wish to leave them may attend Sunday school and church and grow as disciples. Nursery is available for the unsaved so they may encounter the love of God by the workers and hear the redeeming message of God.
  • The Nursery helps develop relationships and impacts the discipling of the next generation by discipling of the 1st generation.