Ministries at MBC
Below is a list of ministries at Monroe Bible Church. Ministries are listed in alphabetical order. Each ministry’s mission is also provided.
If you are interested in joining a church ministry please speak with the ministry leader listed or call the church office. Contact information can be found in the church directory.
AV Ministry serves as the main provider of audio and visual technical services for the staff, ministries, and congregation of Monroe Bible Church. Our mission is to glorify God by
supporting and equipping the church to achieve its goals in ministering to both the church
congregation and the broader community. We fulfill this mission by delivering sound, lighting, video streaming, and computer projection for our regular services and special events.
supporting and equipping the church to achieve its goals in ministering to both the church
congregation and the broader community. We fulfill this mission by delivering sound, lighting, video streaming, and computer projection for our regular services and special events.
Ministry Leader: Darryl Wheeler
Awana ministers to youth three-years-old through high school and their families. Resilient child discipleship wants young people to know Jesus and be known by a body of believers (BELONG), place their faith in Jesus and apply God’s Word (BELIEVE) and produce a third spiritual generation that leads and loves like Jesus (BECOME).
Ministry Leader: Kim Markham
Backpack Buddies
Facilities Ministry mission is to provide routine maintenance, repairs and facility improvements as needed to provide a safe, comfortable, and inviting environment for members and guests to hear and share the Gospel of Christ.
Ministry Leader: Randy Whyte
Finance Ministry accounts for the ins and outs of MBC’s financial assets. The office handles all the accounting and payroll through Quickbooks and the Treasurer oversees this, reviewing documentation, recommending investment choices, doing account reconciliations, and signing checks. That person also prepares monthly financial reports for the Deacon Board and Annual Congregational meeting.
Greeting Ministry serves to welcome all that enter our doors as a visitor or regular attender demonstrating God’s love to all. Romans 15:7 tells us, “Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.”
Ministry Leader: Kathy Markham
Growth Groups are weekly small group meetings that seek to develop and deepen authentic Christ-centered relationships. Growth Group leaders are trained and supported by the pastors. Growth Groups are one of the primary ways our church lives out the “one another’s” of the Bible.
Ministry Leader: Pastor Kevin Clark
Helping Hands
His House Ministry works to create a welcoming and inviting environment at the church through decor and paint colors. We do seasonal and sometimes event-specific decorations to enhance the space, to reflect the church’s values, and create a sense of community. Our goal is to help create a warm and inviting space for worship and fellowship.
Ministry Leader:
Library Ministry helps people in their walk with God. We strive to have books that will grow people, of all ages, in their faith. This can be through fictional or factual stories of faith lived out; studies that help explore God’s word; relational books that can speak life into marriage, parenting, or singleness; apologetic books that help defend faith or help to answer questions people already have; and many more areas. We exist as a house for these resources and as a welcoming space for people to connect.
Ministry Leader: Amanda Ohlrich
Marriage Ministry consists of trained mentor couples who are eager to build into the lives of pre-engaged and engaged couples, using biblical resources, and providing life on life experiences to help their marriages last and flourish. For couples who are struggling in silent pain or outright conflict, mentor couples are ready to come alongside them to offer hope and healing. Contact us if you and your spouse are interested in becoming marriage mentors or getting involved in this ministry.
Ministry Leaders: Jeff and Marie Wunschel
Martha’s Kitchen Ministry is about ministering to all in mind, body, and spirit through serving for funerals, potlucks, and weddings. Serving in this capacity always brings unexpected blessings!
Ministry Leader: Ann Italiano
Men’s Ministry plans and executes events (monthly breakfasts, the annual canoe trip, and more) designed to bring men together to grow in their walk with Christ through challenge, encouragement, and support. Together we seek to be the strong, courageous, and righteous servant-leaders that God made us to be.
Ministry Leader: Pastor Kevin Clark
Missions Ministry assists MBC attendees in obeying the “Great Commission” given by Jesus in Matthew 28:18-20. We serve as a link between the congregation and the mission
organizations and missionaries supported by MBC, as well as oversee the funds budgeted for missions. We provide opportunities to be involved in short-term mission trips, and various other activities that spread the Gospel and provide discipleship in our community and beyond.
organizations and missionaries supported by MBC, as well as oversee the funds budgeted for missions. We provide opportunities to be involved in short-term mission trips, and various other activities that spread the Gospel and provide discipleship in our community and beyond.
Ministry Leader: Crystal Zimmerman
Nursery Ministry provides a service to parents during the second service by offering childcare for young children from certified child protection volunteers.
Ministry Leader: Patricia Harder
Pipeline is a weekly time to grow in our knowledge and application of God’s Word through study and discussion. It’s called Pipeline because what we study and learn in this class is meant to flow through us to others in our spheres of influence.
Ministry Leader: Pastor Troy Watson
Prayer Ministry has a prayer service every Monday at 6 pm; sometimes it involves joining the Prayer Drive/Walk. There is an A,B,C,D prayer list which includes our pastors, missionaries, ministry leaders, AWANA leaders, Sunday School teachers, Elders, Deacons, Ignite and Fusion leaders. In a one-month period all these people are prayed for. After each Sunday morning church service, a couple is available at the front of the Sanctuary to pray with anyone who has a prayer request. There is also an email prayer chain available, contact the church office with your request to put on the prayer chain.
Ministry Leader: Dan Keen
Primetimers group meets for fellowship, encouragement, and opportunities for service. The group consists of a variety of individuals from our congregation over 55 years of age and an “empty nester”.
Ministry Leaders: Mike Westcomb, Greg Dyer, and Carol Hasselman
Radio Ministry is a weekly broadcast of the sermon along with gospel music on 95.5 FM and 1260 AM. It is broadcast every Sunday morning at approximately 8:10 AM on both stations.
Ministry Leader: Paul Ritschard
Security Ministry is responsible for safeguarding our pastors, staff, visitors, and congregation during our church services and other events, as well as the property of MBC. This is accomplished by having trained individuals at each service constantly observing the upstairs, downstairs, and parking lots during these events.
Contact the Church Office if you are interested in this ministry.
Sunday School Ministry runs September through May during the 9:00 am hour for ages two-years-old through high school. We teach children foundational Biblical knowledge, and how to apply that knowledge to their everyday lives.
Ministry Leader: Jason Elgin
Usher Ministry serves a dual role in the body of Monroe Bible Church. We strive to be a
greeting and welcoming part of the Sunday morning worship service, as well as a serving entity to the church. We greet members and guests of the church, and pass out bulletins and pew registers. We also assist in finding seating and help with any questions.
greeting and welcoming part of the Sunday morning worship service, as well as a serving entity to the church. We greet members and guests of the church, and pass out bulletins and pew registers. We also assist in finding seating and help with any questions.
Ministry Leader: Tom Rossing
Website Ministry exists to create an inviting and easy to navigate website for Monroe
Bible Church that extends the church’s message outside its walls and across the global mission field.
Bible Church that extends the church’s message outside its walls and across the global mission field.
1. We want to provide information that allows those not only new to MBC but also new
to Jesus, to be able to establish a connection here.
to Jesus, to be able to establish a connection here.
2. We want to encourage engagement in our church community by sharing:
-resources for spiritual growth,
-information and sign-ups for various ministry opportunities, and
-notices for upcoming church sponsored events.
-information and sign-ups for various ministry opportunities, and
-notices for upcoming church sponsored events.
Ministry Leader: Chelsey Simler
Welcome Center Ministry provides new attendees with warm conversation and a welcome packet. We are a physical location for event sign-ups and we strive to answer any questions. We are present every Sunday after each service.
Ministry Leader: Bernadette Wong
Women’s Ministry provides opportunities for connection through bimonthly brunches, various holiday events, an annual conference, camping trips, Bible studies, and more. We hope that these opportunities will be used to foster unity and spiritual growth among the women, that will impact one another, their families, and their communities.
Ministry Leaders: Amanda Ohlrich, Mia Kelley, Gabrielle Gruber, and Tabitha Thostenson
Worship Ministry utilizes the gifting of worship leaders and accompanists to put together meaningful Sunday morning worship services and occasional special events. There are opportunities to participate on a worship team, or periodically in a special production drama.
Contact the Church office if you are interested in joining this ministry.
Contact the Church office if you are interested in joining this ministry.
Youth Ministry
Ignite Student Ministries is our 6th-8th grade Middle School ministry. Ignite meets on Sunday afternoons from 4-6 pm in the Nehemiah Center. Our Sunday afternoon schedule allows for ice breakers, an active game (often led by Ignite students), fellowship, worship in song, and a Bible study discussion led primarily by adult leadership, but occasionally by a student. We go on off-campus events several times a year for activities like corn mazes, parkevents, youth campout, etc.
Fusion Student Ministries is our High School ministry which meets on Sunday evenings from 6-8 pm in the Nehemiah Center. Our schedule includes periodic dinners, occasional special speakers, worship in song, ice breakers and games, and a Bible Study/discussion led by either a student or adult leader. Students take turns praying for the group every week and sometimes do activities off the church campus. Fusion students go to Winter Retreat and on a mission trip each year.
Ministry Leader: Pastor Troy Watson